jamb subject combination for science courses for 2017/2018
Jamb subject combination
Federal tertiary institution offered
Agriculture English, chemistry, biology/agriculture and any one of physics and mathematics. Agriculture Ahmadu bello university, zaria bayerouniversity,kanoFederal university of technology, minna
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Usumandanfodiyo university
Agricultural economics: English language, chemistry, biology/ agricultural science and mathematics. Agriculture
Bayerouniversity,kanoFederal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, keshere, gombe state
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
National open university of nigeria, lagos
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Agricultural engineering Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Ahmadu bello university, zariaBayerouniversity,kano
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of maiduguri
University of uyo
Agricultural extension: English, chemistry, biology/agricultural science plus mathematics or physics. Agriculture Bayerouniversity,kanoFederal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, keshere, gombestate
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
National open university of nigeria, lagos
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Agronomy: English, chemistry, biology or agriculture and physics or mathematics Agriculture Federal university, keshere, gombe stateUniversity of agriculture, makurdi
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of uyo
Anatomy: english, mathematics, biology and chemistry or physics. Medical sciences University of beninUniversity of calabar
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Animal production and science: Use of english, chemistry, biology/agric science and physics/mathematics. Agriculture Federal university of technology, akureFederal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
National open university of nigeria, lagos
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of ilorin
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Architecture: English, physics, mathematics, and any of chemistry, geography, art, biology and economics. Environmental sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of jos
Biochemistry: Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry Biological sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaBayerouniversity,kano
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, dutsin-ma, katsina
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of jos
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Biological sciences Use of english, biology, chemistry and physics or mathematics Biological sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, dutsin-ma, katsina
Federal university, lafia, nasarawa state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of uyo
Botany: Use of english, biology, chemistry and any other science subject Biological sciences Federal university, dutse, jigawa stateFederal university, lafia, nasarawa state
Federal university, lokoja, kogi state
University of benin
University of lagos
University of uyo
Building Use of english, physics, mathematics, and any of chemistry, geography, art, biology and economics. Environmental sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, minna
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of jos
University of lagos
University of uyo
Chemistry: : use of english, chemistry and two of physics, biology and mathematics. Engineering Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta state
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, dutsin-ma, katsina
Federal university, lafia, nasarawa state
Federal university, lokoja, kogi state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nigerian defenceacademy,kaduna
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of uyo
Civil engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Chemical engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Federal university of technology, minnaFederal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of benin
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Computer engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi stateMichael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of uyo
Computer science: Use of english, mathematics, physics and one of biology, chemistry, agricultural science, economics and geography Physical sciences Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, keshere, gombe state
Federal university, lafia, nasarawa state
Federal university, lokoja, kogi state
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nigerian defenceacademy,kaduna
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Crop production and science: English, chemistry, biology/agriculture and mathematics or physics. agriculture Federal university of technology yolaFederal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
National open university of nigeria, lagos
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of calabar
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Dentistry: Use of english, chemistry, biology and one science subject. Dentistry Obafemiawolowouniversity,ile-ifeUniversity of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
Electrical engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Ahmadu bello university, zariaBayerouniversity,kano
Federal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta state
Federal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Nigerian defenceacademy,kaduna
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Electronic engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry Engineering Ahmadu bello university, zariaBayerouniversity,kano
Federal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta state
Federal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Nigerian defenceacademy,kaduna
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Estate management: Use of english, mathematics, economics and one other subject. Environmental sciences Federal university of technology, akureNnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of lagos
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Fisheries: Use of english, chemistry, biology/agricultural science and any other science subject Agriculture Federal university of technology yolaFederal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
National open university of nigeria, lagos
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of maiduguri
University of uyo
Usumandanfodiyo university
Food science and technology: Use of english, chemistry, mathematics / physics and agricultural science. Agriculture Federal university of technology yolaFederal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Forestry: Use of english, chemistry, biology or agriculture and physics or mathematics. Agriculture Abubakartafawabalewa universityFederal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of maiduguri
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Usumandanfodiyo university
Geology: Use of english and any three chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology and geography. Physical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta state
Federal university, lokoja, kogi state
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
University of benin
University of port-harcourt
Industrial chemistry: Use of english, chemistry, mathematics and any of physics/biology/agricultural science. Physical sciences Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti stateFederal university, wukari, taraba state
Mathematics: Use of english, mathematics and any two of physics, chemistry, economics, biology and agricultural science Physical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta state
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, keshere, gombe state
Federal university, lafia, nasarawa state
Federal university, lokoja, kogi state
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nigerian defenceacademy,kaduna
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of jos
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Marine engineering Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering
Mechanical engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Michael okparauniv. Of agric., umudike
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Medical laboratory science: English language, physics, chemistry and biology Health sciences Federal university of technology, minnaFederal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of benin
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Medical rehabilitation: Use of english, physics, chemistry and biology health sciences Nnamdiazikiwe university, awkaObafemiawolowouniversity,ile-ife
University of nigeria, nsukka
Medicine and surgery Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry medical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaBayerouniversity,kano
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of jos
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Usumandanfodiyo university
Metallurgical and materials engineering: : use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of lagos
University of nigeria, nsukka
Microbiology: Use of english, biology, chemistry and either physics or mathematics. Biological sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university, lafia, nasarawa state
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Nursing: Use of english, physics, biology and chemistry. Health sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaNnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
Petroleum and gas engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Federal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta stateFederal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyistatefederal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Pharmacy: Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry. Pharmaceutical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaNnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of jos
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Usumandanfodiyo university
Physiology Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry. Medical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Physiotherapy: Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry. Medical sciences Bayerouniversity,kanoUniversity of ibadan
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
Physics: Use of english, physics, mathematics and chemistry or biology Physical sciences Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta state
Federal university of technology yola
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, dutsin-ma, katsina
Federal university, keshere, gombe state
Federal university, lokoja, kogi state
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nigerian defenceacademy,kaduna
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ilorin
University of jos
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Production and industrial engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Nnamdiazikiwe university, awkaUniversity of benin
University of ibadan
Pure and applied mathematics: Use of english, mathematics, physics and biology or agricultural science or chemistry or geography. Physical sciences University of port-harcourt
Quantity surveying: Use of english, physics, mathematics, and any of chemistry, geography, art, biology and economics. Environmental sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
Radiography: Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry Health sciences Nnamdiazikiwe university, awkaUniversity of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
Statistics: Use of english, mathematics and any two of physics, chemistry, economics, biology and agricultural science. Physical sciences
Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Soil science: English, chemistry, biology or agricultural science plus mathematics or physics. Agriculture Federal university of technology yolaFederal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ilorin
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Structural engineering Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering
Surveying and geo-informatics: Use of english, physics, mathematics, and any of chemistry, geography, art, biology and economics Environmental sciences Federal university of technology yolaFederal university of technology, minna
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of lagos
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Systems engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering University of lagos
Urban and regional planning English, mathematics, geography and one of economics, physics, chemistry. Environmental sciences Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
University of benin
University of lagos
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Veterinary medicine Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry. Veterinary medicine Ahmadu bello university, zariaUniversity of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of ibadan
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
Usumandanfodiyo university
Zoology Use of english, biology and any two of physics, chemistry and mathematics Biological sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
University of uyo
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
National open university of nigeria, lagos
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of maiduguri
University of uyo
Usumandanfodiyo university
Food science and technology: Use of english, chemistry, mathematics / physics and agricultural science. Agriculture Federal university of technology yolaFederal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Forestry: Use of english, chemistry, biology or agriculture and physics or mathematics. Agriculture Abubakartafawabalewa universityFederal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of maiduguri
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Usumandanfodiyo university
Geology: Use of english and any three chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology and geography. Physical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta state
Federal university, lokoja, kogi state
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
University of benin
University of port-harcourt
Industrial chemistry: Use of english, chemistry, mathematics and any of physics/biology/agricultural science. Physical sciences Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti stateFederal university, wukari, taraba state
Mathematics: Use of english, mathematics and any two of physics, chemistry, economics, biology and agricultural science Physical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta state
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, keshere, gombe state
Federal university, lafia, nasarawa state
Federal university, lokoja, kogi state
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nigerian defenceacademy,kaduna
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of jos
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Marine engineering Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering
Mechanical engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Michael okparauniv. Of agric., umudike
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Medical laboratory science: English language, physics, chemistry and biology Health sciences Federal university of technology, minnaFederal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of benin
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Medical rehabilitation: Use of english, physics, chemistry and biology health sciences Nnamdiazikiwe university, awkaObafemiawolowouniversity,ile-ife
University of nigeria, nsukka
Medicine and surgery Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry medical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaBayerouniversity,kano
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of jos
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Usumandanfodiyo university
Metallurgical and materials engineering: : use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of lagos
University of nigeria, nsukka
Microbiology: Use of english, biology, chemistry and either physics or mathematics. Biological sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university, lafia, nasarawa state
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Nursing: Use of english, physics, biology and chemistry. Health sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaNnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
Petroleum and gas engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Federal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta stateFederal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyistatefederal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Pharmacy: Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry. Pharmaceutical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaNnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of benin
University of ibadan
University of jos
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Usumandanfodiyo university
Physiology Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry. Medical sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ibadan
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Physiotherapy: Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry. Medical sciences Bayerouniversity,kanoUniversity of ibadan
University of lagos
University of maiduguri
Physics: Use of english, physics, mathematics and chemistry or biology Physical sciences Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of petroleum resources, effurun, delta state
Federal university of technology yola
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, dutsin-ma, katsina
Federal university, keshere, gombe state
Federal university, lokoja, kogi state
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, otuoke, bayelsa
Federal university, oye-ekiti, ekiti state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
Nigerian defenceacademy,kaduna
University of abuja, gwagwalada
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ilorin
University of jos
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Production and industrial engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering Nnamdiazikiwe university, awkaUniversity of benin
University of ibadan
Pure and applied mathematics: Use of english, mathematics, physics and biology or agricultural science or chemistry or geography. Physical sciences University of port-harcourt
Quantity surveying: Use of english, physics, mathematics, and any of chemistry, geography, art, biology and economics. Environmental sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
Radiography: Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry Health sciences Nnamdiazikiwe university, awkaUniversity of lagos
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
Statistics: Use of english, mathematics and any two of physics, chemistry, economics, biology and agricultural science. Physical sciences
Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, ndufu-alike, ebonyi state
Federal university, wukari, taraba state
Michael okpara uni. Of agric., umudike
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of ilorin
University of lagos
University of port-harcourt
University of uyo
Soil science: English, chemistry, biology or agricultural science plus mathematics or physics. Agriculture Federal university of technology yolaFederal university of technology, minna
Federal university of technology, owerri
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
University of agriculture, abeokuta
University of benin
University of calabar
University of ilorin
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Structural engineering Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering
Surveying and geo-informatics: Use of english, physics, mathematics, and any of chemistry, geography, art, biology and economics Environmental sciences Federal university of technology yolaFederal university of technology, minna
Nnamdiazikiwe university, awka
University of lagos
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Systems engineering: Use of english, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Engineering University of lagos
Urban and regional planning English, mathematics, geography and one of economics, physics, chemistry. Environmental sciences Abubakartafawabalewa universityAhmadu bello university, zaria
Federal university of technology yola
Federal university of technology, akure
Federal university of technology, minna
University of benin
University of lagos
University of nigeria, nsukka
University of uyo
Veterinary medicine Use of english, biology, physics and chemistry. Veterinary medicine Ahmadu bello university, zariaUniversity of agriculture, abeokuta
University of agriculture, makurdi
University of ibadan
University of maiduguri
University of nigeria, nsukka
Usumandanfodiyo university
Zoology Use of english, biology and any two of physics, chemistry and mathematics Biological sciences Ahmadu bello university, zariaFederal university, dutse, jigawa state
Federal university, dutse, jigawa state
University of uyo
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